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Video Capsule Endoscopy

Our Services

What is a video capsule endoscopy?

Video capsule endoscopy is a procedure that specifically evaluates the small intestine. The patient swallows a tiny camera pill that travels the entire length of the small intestine taking pictures of the small intestine unable to be seen by endoscopy and colonoscopy.

Video capsule endoscopy is useful for:

  • Locating and determining sources of gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Diagnosing digestive tract tumors
  • Detecting polyps and other growths that can be precancerous
  • Diagnosing and monitoring celiac disease
  • Following up on imaging test results
How is video capsule endoscopy performed?

●    When you arrive at one of our NYC-based offices, we affix sticky leads (which resemble EKG leads) to your chest to capture data from a small recorder that you will wear on your waist.
●    You then swallow the capsule, which is about the size of a large vitamin tablet. (In the rare instance that patients cannot swallow the capsule, we place the capsule in the stomach endoscopically, with the patient under anesthesia.)
●    As long as your job does not require strenuous physical activity, you can go to work and perform other routine activities.
●    You can drink clear liquids two hours after ingesting the capsule and eat a light lunch or snack four hours afterward.
●    The test is over after eight hours or when you see you’ve passed the capsule in the toilet, whichever comes first.
●    After the test, you can remove the sticky leads and recorder and return them according to your doctor’s instructions.
●    You will receive your results in about a week.

Video capsule endoscopy prep: What preparation is required for video capsule endoscopy?

Prior to video capsule endoscopy, you will need to fast overnight and take a laxative to clean out your digestive tract, ensuring the clearest possible images. Your physician will provide specific instructions for you to follow leading up to the test.

What happens following video capsule endoscopy?

About one week following the video capsule endoscopy, your gastroenterologist will be in touch to discuss the results.

Where is video capsule endoscopy performed?

Video capsule endoscopy is initiated in our offices throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn. However, if you cannot swallow the capsule, you will need to schedule a procedure to have it placed endoscopically at one of our endoscopy centers.

Video Capsule Endoscopy in NYC

At NYGA, we provide state-of-the-art video capsule endoscopy services to help diagnose and manage gastrointestinal conditions with precision and care. Conveniently located throughout New York City, our expert team of board-certified gastroenterologists specializes in delivering advanced diagnostic solutions tailored to your needs.

NYGA is committed to providing a comfortable and seamless experience, from preparation to results. Contact us today to schedule your video capsule endoscopy and take the next step toward better digestive health.