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Upper Endoscopy

Our Services

What is the purpose of an upper endoscopy?

An upper endoscopy, also called an endoscopy or EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), is a minimally invasive procedure to evaluate your upper digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of your small intestine, called the duodenum.  The procedure is performed with an endoscope, a long, flexible tube the width of your pinky finger with a light and tiny camera at the end.

How is an upper endoscopy performed?
  • An intravenous line will be placed in your arm, through which the anesthesiologist will administer gentle sedation, allowing you to sleep the entire time and have no discomfort.
  • You will lay on your left side while the gastroenterologist passes an endoscope through your mouth and down through your upper digestive tract while viewing a video monitor and capturing images.
  • If any issues, such as bleeding or polyps, are identified during the procedure, the gastroenterologist may perform therapeutic interventions like cauterization, removal of polyps, or tissue sampling for further analysis.
  • The procedure takes about 15 minutes.
What preparation is required for an upper endoscopy?

You will need to fast for 8 hours prior to the upper endoscopy. You will be given detailed dietary instructions by your doctor. 

What happens following an upper endoscopy?
  • You’ll spend 20-30 minutes in a recovery area while the sedation wears off, and you can eat immediately.
  • The gastroenterologist will speak with you before you go home.
  • If any biopsies were taken, those will come back in a few days.
  • Because of the anesthesia, you may need someone to escort you home. You should plan to take it easy the rest of the day, and you cannot drive a car following the procedure until the next day.
Where is an upper endoscopy performed?

We perform upper endoscopies in our three state-of-the-art facilities: The Endoscopy Center of New York, Carnegie Hill Endoscopy Center, and Manhattan Endoscopy Center