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HemWell Procedure

Get rid of hemorrhoids for good with HemWellTM – an innovative, FDA-approved treatment for hemorrhoid removal. It’s highly effective, pain-free, minimally invasive, and available from the trusted specialists at NYGA, one of the only providers of HemWell in the New York metro area.

Nonsurgical Hemorrhoid Treatment

With no preparation, no recovery time, and no surgery required, there’s no reason to live in pain from hemorrhoids. Get all the answers to frequently asked questions about HemWell from our expert team.

What is the purpose of HemWell?

HemWell is an FDA-approved, nonsurgical treatment for internal hemorrhoids. HemWell uses nonthermal energy to produce a natural, electrobiochemical reaction in the blood that shrinks and ultimately eliminates hemorrhoids. 

How is HemWell performed?

HemWell is performed in a surgery center with the patient under anesthesia, typically at the end of a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy.

During the treatment, the patient lies on their left side as the gastroenterologist inserts the HemWell probe through an anoscope in the rectum, which applies a low electrical current to the hemorrhoid columns. It is a brief procedure, usually with minimal or no discomfort after treatment.

Book an appointment to see if HemWell can help you.

What preparation is required for a HemWell procedure?

There is no additional preparation beyond what you would do for a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy. Learn more about how to prepare for a colonoscopy.

What is recovery from HemWell like?

Recovery from HemWell is typically quick and easy. Most patients feel no discomfort following treatment, and many return to normal activities, including work, the next day.

As a non-invasive treatment, HemWell avoids the risks and complications associated with surgical procedures, contributing toward a faster, more comfortable patient recovery.

Where is HemWell performed?

In the New York metro area, NYGA is one of the only providers offering HemWell’s breakthrough treatment for hemorrhoids. The procedure is completed in one of our two state-of-the-art endoscopy centers at Carnegie Hill Endoscopy on Lexington Avenue and E 98th and The Endoscopy Center of New York on East 93rd Street between 3rd and 2nd Ave.

What are other treatment options for hemorrhoids?

For mildly symptomatic hemorrhoids, you can try warm soaks, over-the-counter creams, and acetaminophen to manage pain and ease discomfort. Using softer toilet paper, staying hydrated, and nutrition counseling with a healthy, balanced diet can also alleviate symptoms.

If your systems persist or worsen, you should seek medical attention to assess which treatment is best for you. A specialist can provide prescription ointments, creams, and suppositories and help you determine if it’s time to consider a medical procedure.

If HemWell isn’t suitable for your condition, Infrared Coagulation (IRC) is another nonsurgical, FDA-approved treatment for internal hemorrhoids performed at many of NYGA’s locations.

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