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Gas & Bloat



Intestinal gas is a natural part of digestion. Burping and passing gas are normal bodily functions. However, when gas doesn't move through your digestive system properly or there's so much gas that it causes pressure and discomfort, it's time to consider a gastroenterological evaluation.


Experiencing excessive gas in your digestive system may show up as:

  • Frequent burping
  • Excessive passing of gas (flatulence)
  • Abdominal pain, cramps, or pressure
  • Feeling overly full and bloated
  • Noticeable increase in abdomen size

If these symptoms are persistent, severe, or accompanied by:

  • Blood in stool
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Recurring nausea and vomiting
  • Nighttime waking

If gas pain is linked with chest discomfort, consult a doctor.


Diagnosing the cause of gas and bloating involves a detailed assessment of your symptoms. Your doctor will consider your medical history and may recommend tests like blood, stool, or breath testing. A dietitian's expertise can also help pinpoint contributing foods. In some cases, additional tests like ultrasound, CT scans, endoscopy, or colonoscopy might be needed to gather more information.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Your doctor will tailor a plan which could involve over-the-counter remedies or prescription options. In many instances, identifying and addressing the root cause can significantly reduce excessive gas.

Often, dietary adjustments can make a big difference. Try these strategies to manage symptoms:

  • Opt for a balanced high-fiber diet
  • Cut down on sugar and processed foods
  • Reduce consumption of high lactose foods like milk or ice cream
  • Limit fried and fatty foods
  • Limit foods with sugar alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol etc)